Two weeks ago Mercury came in from the pasture lame with swelling in rear left fetlock area. He jogged virtually 3 legged and I was bummed. I went to work right away with Traumeel (See my health and supplement shop)topically on the fetlock and oral Homeopathy. Actually my Homeopathic Sports injury mix. He got a small dosage of bute but not enough to not feel it. I didn't want him not to feel the pain and be fresh and boisterous as he can be. Next day the vet comes and says why'd you call he's easily 50% better. I stall rest him for a week and hand walk and omit bute and continue Sports Injury mix and topical Traumeel ointment. one week out he Jogs 90 percent sound but not perfect and I am hoping to geld the following week but he has to be 100% sound for turnout to be gelded as they want him moving and keeping his circulation going to keep swelling down.
Week 2 we get an ultra sound to confirm complete healing. He has been in and hand walked and I have used the LIFE system 2 times to balance the injury. Ultrasound shows complete healing and the vet goes ahead and gelds him.
Usual expected recovery time from gelding with turnout is 2 weeks or so. Leading up to gelding, Mercury is given amongst other healing remedies, Arnica Montana 200c which in addition to assisting with healing his leg will lessen the trauma and shock to his body of the surgery. The vet tells me to expect lots of swelling and it should increase for 2-3 days after the procedure.
Monday He gets gelded, Monday night I do a LIFE session for surgery, electro acupuncture, pain, inflammation and infection plus male genitals balancing. He also is started on mega doses (1m) of arnica montana for the trauma and surgery and healing.
Tuesday he has some swelling but not nearly what I expected and is stiff behind but works out of it on the lunge as per vets instruction(poor M&M having to jiggle around).
Day 2 still more Arnica and one night of turnout and I can see almost NO swelling! It is completely normal looking! (less the testicles. The vet said it should get bigger and bigger as time went on. He also lunged very comfortably and not stiff looking at ALL. DAY TWO! All I have to say is this stuff works!
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