
Announcing FDT Virtual Clinic Blogazine!

I am now using a blog format specifically for Virtual Clinic. The URL is http://fdtvirtualclinic.blogspot.com so check it out!

Elsa's first lesson's

Little Miss Elsa...She is full of life and spirit. Also some fresh habits! I started her first ground lessons due to the fact that in her youthful exuberance and horseplay, she had a not so fun habit of what I call "drive by" kicking. She would start with coming over and being all "aren't I cute" then push into you wheel and try, with her feet, to "tag your it"! I decided her first lesson was turn and face me and she also found out humans have knees and feet too. A tap on the hiny sent her into fits of indignation and head shaking and crow hops. She said "noo you're it"! I tagged her back a few times and said no, you're it! And she learned in days.She got lots of love when her head was forward and had to move her feet when her tushy was showing. Amazing that even at a month old, they can learn in a few days of short gentle sessions. I also had to get her to lead a bit as they are moving to a pasture for the summer and have to go on the trailer. I gently asked her to yield to pressure on her halter and after some protesting she figures it out quite quickly. Then there was lots of scratching and rubbing which she loves. Now she knows what a curry is and that is worth standing for. So nice to have them this young to work with...


A Name for a little Miss Thang...

Yes, I know she looks so innocent and cute in that picture, but after getting to know my little miss thang (and yes she is a little miss thang not a misspelling), I see her horsenality loud and clear! I observed that I now own a FIRECRACKER! When she is not running, she is crow hopping, when she is not crow hopping she is rearing or bucking or some combination there of. I have yet to see her just walk or trot. She does show a beautiful athletic balanced canter though. She appears to have 2 speeds only. Sleeping and running/bucking/rearing/hopping! She is also a ferocious nurser. Poor Phoenix is visibly wincing as she attacks (she doesn't nurse she attacks)her udders but being the devoted mom puts up with it. So as I saw this behavior, The name Elsa came to me and I realized it was the name of the Lioness in the famous story "Born Free". And I thought yeah, she's a little lioness all right (also the color). Elsa also means "Abundance from god" and she is a surprise gift from the universe. So since I can't stand show names and believe in giving my horses simple meaningful names that are all purpose, That's it. Of course she will have 20 pet nicknames...I think the first one's are Miss Thang, Attitude, firecracker, sass, wild thing, superball, you little chestnut mare!


Babies first binky

Little baby girl needed her first binky today because it was so cold and damp today, she was shivering. Someone was kind enough to loan me some Mini size blankets and I still had to pin them smaller!


Baby's first day out

Phoenix and baby's first time out in the paddock for a little fresh air.

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It's a girl!!!

Phoenix delivered a healthy chestnut filly between 3 and 4 am. this morning all by herself. Jen (the manager at my barn) was awakened by little baby winnies of the newborn. We were on the scene minutes later. Good job Phoenix!