I got incredibly positive feedback from people and some really touching moments. The highest praise you can give me is you and your horse had fun and I helped you move forward positively on your journey with your horse. I get a deep sense of satisfaction when I see smiling faces and people and their horses really enjoying each other.
For those of you who didn't know, I was interviewed by Radio New Zealand's Kim Hill and have posted the podcast of that interview on this blog if you missed it. Kim was really nice and it was a lot of fun. Kim started the interview by reading from a very old training manual and all I have to say is thank god we have moved forward in our approach and relationships with our horses!
Australia is an amazing place. There is so much different wildlife and Geography. I got to get up close and personal with some of the local wildlife at the Haven sanctuary. That was really fun. I held a baby Wallaby and scratched a Koala and Kangaroos. The bird life there is quite exotic and beautiful too. Lots of Parrot species. Anyway, I would like to thank Jack (my equine assistant) and his people Christin and Norris again for loaning him for the class. He was SPECTACULAR. He blew me away with how much he gave. He did the class with me the year before and otherwise didn't do much else until this year. It is a testament to the power of Carolyn Resnick's Waterhole Rituals. I'd like to thank Jarrah and his person Shaunna for loaning him for the Australia clinic class. He too proved the power of the work. I like working with these "clean slate" horses as they really showcase Real Time behavior and the pleasantly unpredictable but amazing results you can achieve with any horse.
I'll close by wishing everyone Joyful holidays and New Year with your 2 leggeds and 4 leggeds! Enjoy the photos albums from the clinics in the below links
Australia Clinic
NZ Clinic
Thanks for that wonderful interview Farah, I enjoyed that very much! It's good to bring all those valuable things you said out into today's horse world, especially that by giving the horse freedom of choice and building a great relationship we can turn the No into a Yes and develop their natural willingness to work with us.