
Interpretation exercise part 2

Farah Dejohnette Horsemanship

Please subscribe and visit my new blog by clicking here! I thought this would be a fun exercise to try on the blog. It is taken from the Eagala/Non-predatory leadership workshop I wrote about back in January. If you would like to read that post here's the link http://fdhorsetraining.blogspot.com/2014/01/interpretation-exercise.html

The exercise is about how we interpret things differently as individuals. An interpretation of the horses in the photo would be for example, a statement like "these horses are sad" or "These horses are happy" we really have no way of knowing if they are either of those things.

Here's how it will work. If as a group of readers, each of us says a observation about the horses in the picture we can all agree on as a group, write it in the comments area. And anyone can say they agree or disagree with that statement. The goal is that we can all agree as a group with the statement. It is a herd harmony exercise.

I'll start by making an observation about the horses that I think is true. I see a chestnut horse with a white marking on his face. Do you agree or disagree? Get the exercise. Don't be shy give it a try!

I wanted to let you all know that the new blog is at this link http://fdhorsemanship.com/ and you can subscribe to it on the side bar in this blog on the upper right form to get the NEW blog posts emailed to you. You may also subscribe to it at the link. I look forward to your observations!