
Flowers for confidence

White Chestnut-not only beautiful but good for calming the mind.
Tomorrow is one of my workshops for building confidence between horse and rider for trail riding and obstacles. I look forward to helping participants build trust, communication and safety with their horses. We will be covering safety, FUN!damentals, Obstacle negotiation and Fun! The first part of the day will be in the arena and the second part will be taking what we learned out to the trail. If you are interested in hosting this type of clinic at your farm or organizing any other custom clinics, Contact me at http://www.fdhorsemanship.com/#!contact

I wanted to give some tips on how Flower Essences can help with fearful and unconfident feelings in people. Many riders are battling fear and confidence and I have found several flower essences that can help calm destructive, negative thinking, and fears as well as boost confident feelings.

Here is a list of some very helpful Flower Essences that I recommend to many people:

  • White Chestnut-is a very good essence for when you constantly worry about things. What is my horse going to do? What if he spooks?, What if I fall off? etc. These are what I call projections and they take us out of the "Present" and put all kinds of "wishes" we don't want out there. It helps quiet and calm the mind.
  • Rock Rose-is for when you feel panicked or terrified by things. If you need this, you find yourself getting beyond fear to a panic level when confronted with certain activities with your horse.
  • Mimulus-is good for fear in general if you are aware of the things you are afraid of and can name them like I am afraid to go out of the arena, I am afraid of jumping, I am afraid of falling off.
  • Larch-is good for when you lack confidence in your skills and feel like you will not do well. You may feel you are not good enough to do certain things and don't have the confidence to even try. 
  • Rescue remedy is always a good all around essence blend when you are unsure of what you need. It helps with stress and nerves and is good after an accident. A good first aid kit remedy. 
Here is a short list of Essential oils that can help with fear and confidence as well. I suggest you "self select" the essential oil which is most beneficial by inhaling it. You will either feel like you want to keep inhaling it or you may want put it on your person (you may need to dilute stronger oils). Scents you find not so attractive are probably not the right ones at that moment. They can change though!

  • Lavender
  • Valerian
  • Chamomile
  • Tangerine
  • Lemon Balm
  • Vetiver
  • Geranium
  • Bergamot
Here is a link to shop for flower essences if you would like http://www.fdhorsemanship.com/#!services/vstc3=flower-essences/vstc1=other-services If you are attending the clinic tomorrow, See you there! I look forward to the upcoming down unda trip and seeing how people are doing and meeting some new faces!
Sign up for FDH virtual clinic here:
Upcoming Clinics:
Oct 27: FDH Building confidence for trail riding workshop Granby, CT
Nov 10: FDH Building confidence for trail riding workshop
Middlefield, CT
Nov 22-24: FDH Clinic in Australia Strath Creek, Victoria, Australia
Nov 30-Dec 2: FDH clinic in New Zealand: at Taralee stables, Carterton, NZ
Click here to go to my Events http://www.fdhorsemanship.com/#!calendar


Are you shouting?

Talking amongst ourselves at the UK clinic
I am increasingly aware of the way we "shout" at our horses all the time. Even when we think we are being calm and subtle it can still feel like shouting to our horses.

I get to work with a many different types of horses, breeds and temperaments. I find that they all respond to very small and subtle communication if not "thinking" it. I challenge myself daily to be quieter and subtler with my communication and body language on the ground and in the saddle.

What I notice is, people train their horses to need louder and louder communication instead of sticking to a promise and discipline of not resorting to that unless completely necessary. I say discipline because I have noticed that people, in a rush and mindless state, throw all kinds of unclear communication at their horses. Then they get frustrated that their horse is not "listening" and communicate louder. Now some may argue that desensitizing is a good thing and it is for certain horses who may be very reactive to their surroundings and things but I find this over used and and excuse for coming into horses space thoughtlessly and using very loud signals. We want our horses to be thoughtful and we can teach them that by mirroring thoughtfulness to them.

Many people do not like sensitive reactive horses because they need you be very conscious of your body language and communication because they react to the subtlest things. I think everyone should have to work with this type of horse at least once to learn how to be this quiet and soft with your communication. Especially if you own a horse that can be classified as "dull" or low energy. These horses unfortunately, get shouted at the most. I treat these horses as the most sensitive. Just because they don't react as quickly or seem "bombproof" does not mean they are any less responsive then the hot sensitive horse. In fact they are as responsive just different in the way they respond. They will also tolerate more "loud" communication so in a way enable us to be loud.

It takes a lot of discipline to stick to using the smallest communication and language that is coherent, clear and respects the sensitivity and intelligence of a horse. Ask yourself if you are shouting more often then not. If you have been having a loud conversation for a long time, this pattern will take time to shift and you will have to be the one that leads it. Here's another image to think about. Do you know someone who thinks when they are not being heard they need to raise their voice? Does that make them clearer or just loud. Does is make you understand them better or just get tense?
Oats for thought...

Thanks as always to Natalie Bouchier Photography for her beautiful photos http://www.nataliebourchierphotography.co.uk/Natalie_Bourchier_Photography/Welcome.html
Sign up for FDH virtual clinic here:
Upcoming Clinics:
Oct 13: FDH one day workshop
Greenville NY 
Oct 18-20: FDH Horsemanship Clinic: Plainfield, MA
Oct 27: FDH Building confidence for trail riding workshop Granby, CT
Nov 10: FDH Building confidence for trail riding workshop
Middlefield, CT
Nov 22-24: FDH Clinic in Australia Strath Creek, Victoria, Australia
Nov 30-Dec 2: FDH clinic in New Zealand: at Taralee stables, Carterton, NZ
Click here to go to my Events http://www.fdhorsemanship.com/#!calendar