Ena the super model at the clinic |
I also had the pleasure of visiting Lucinda McAlpine's farm and chatting with her about the state of horse sports and other things. The most fun was meeting her 11 generation family herd she keeps for her study of Natural Horse Management. Another refreshing outside the box horse person! She is doing interesting work on her horse path if you'd like to learn a bit more http://www.lucindamcalpine.com/.
I met some excellent new horses and played with some that I know well. We will be focusing on the upcoming year dates and will keep you posted on 2014.
For those of you in the US or willing to travel. The next FDH clinic is October 18th-20th at Back Acres Farm in Plainfield, MA. Fiona Habershon (http://www.fionahabershon.com/) will be back demonstrating at the clinic and taking appointments in Self Selection and TTouch while she's here. Mercury will tell me what he wants to show off in his only personal clinic appearance of the year. He's a Diva but he loves his public. For info and registration go to this link http://www.eventzilla.net/web/event?eventid=2138987660
Thanks as always to Natalie Bouchier Photography for her beautiful photos http://www.nataliebourchierphotography.co.uk/Natalie_Bourchier_Photography/Welcome.html
Sign up for FDH virtual clinic here:
Upcoming Clinics:
Oct 13: FDH one day workshop
Greenville NY
Oct 18-20: FDH Horsemanship Clinic: Plainfield, MA
Oct 27: FDH Building confidence for trail riding workshop Granby, CT
Nov 10: FDH Building confidence for trail riding workshop
Middlefield, CT
Nov 22-24: FDH Clinic in Australia Strath Creek, Victoria, Australia
Nov 30-Dec 2: FDH clinic in New Zealand: at Taralee stables, Carterton, NZ
Click here to go to my Events http://www.fdhorsemanship.com/#!calendar