
UK summary

Ena the super model at the clinic
I have just returned from another fun clinic in the UK at the New Horse. This is the first year I have done two clinics across the pond. We did one in the Spring and one in the Fall. This helped me really progress the people who went to both clinics and gave other people the opportunity to attend one or the other. The people I did see at both clinics really impressed me with their progress they made from June to September. They did their homework! Others had real breakthroughs in the second clinic working with the tools I gave them.

I also had the pleasure of visiting Lucinda McAlpine's farm and chatting with her about the state of horse sports and other things. The most fun was meeting her 11 generation family herd she keeps for her study of Natural Horse Management. Another refreshing outside the box horse person! She is doing interesting work on her horse path if you'd like to learn a bit more http://www.lucindamcalpine.com/.

I met some excellent new horses and played with some that I know well. We will be focusing on the upcoming year dates and will keep you posted on 2014.

For those of you in the US or willing to travel. The next FDH clinic is October 18th-20th at Back Acres Farm in Plainfield, MA. Fiona Habershon (http://www.fionahabershon.com/) will be back demonstrating at the clinic and taking appointments in Self Selection and TTouch while she's here. Mercury will tell me what he wants to show off in his only personal clinic appearance of the year. He's a Diva but he loves his public. For info and registration go to this link http://www.eventzilla.net/web/event?eventid=2138987660 
Thanks as always to Natalie Bouchier Photography for her beautiful photos http://www.nataliebourchierphotography.co.uk/Natalie_Bourchier_Photography/Welcome.html

Sign up for FDH virtual clinic here:
Upcoming Clinics:
Oct 13: FDH one day workshop
Greenville NY 
Oct 18-20: FDH Horsemanship Clinic: Plainfield, MA
Oct 27: FDH Building confidence for trail riding workshop Granby, CT
Nov 10: FDH Building confidence for trail riding workshop
Middlefield, CT
Nov 22-24: FDH Clinic in Australia Strath Creek, Victoria, Australia
Nov 30-Dec 2: FDH clinic in New Zealand: at Taralee stables, Carterton, NZ
Click here to go to my Events http://www.fdhorsemanship.com/#!calendar


Confidence on the trail

Do you dream of this one day?
A lot of people get into riding and see themselves riding in the wide open fields, trails, beaches and woods. The actual reality of this can strike fear and panic into some riders.

One of the tips I have for people who are feeling unconfident riding out, is take baby steps, ride with supportive (not pushy well meaning "know it alls") people or even just take your horse for a walk in hand or on lead. Only do as much as is calm, relaxing and fun. If you are feeling extra confident, then you can try raising the bar a bit with no expectations or pressure on yourself or your horse.

I find that people are often not prepared mentally or connected enough to their horses to go out on the trail safely. They have not got their FUNdamentals firm enough and are setting themselves up for potentially bad, unnecessary experiences because they do not think about what can happen on the trail. Did you know having your Fundamental basics and good communication and connection can not only help you have fun on the trail but it could be the very thing that keeps you safe in a potentially dangerous situation.

Many trail riders complain about arena exercises and Fundamental practice saying it is boring and pointless. Then when they come unstuck on the trail, they don't know why. I am hear to tell you not only will I not ride a horse on the trail that does not have good fundamentals and communication, I do not feel safe on a horse that doesn't have these key pieces.

There are several exercises every horse and rider should know to keep safe and communicating even through stressful experiences. Before I take a horse out of the ring, I have to have confidence in our Connection, Communication and FUNdamentals.

In light of all this and by popular demand, this fall I will be doing a series of workshops dedicated to taking your Connection, Communication and FUN!damentals out of the arena. These one day Playshops will be geared towards all aspects and safety to go out and have fun. All disciplines are welcome. Hope to see you there and check back for additional dates being added!

Also remember next week FDH is back in the UK at the New Horse for my second clinic this season. Register and get info here http://www.eventzilla.net/web/event?eventid=2138983059
Fiona Habershon (http://www.fionahabershon.com/) will also be back for the October 3 day Clinic so if you missed getting a session with her or would like another session, Contact me at http://www.fdhorsemanship.com/#!contact

Click here to sign up for FDH Virtual Clinic
Upcoming events:
Sept. 20-22: FDH UK Clinic at The New Horse, Motcombe
Oct 13: FDH one day workshop
Greenville NY
Oct 18-20: FDH Horsemanship Clinic: Plainfield, MA
Oct 27: FDH Building confidence for trail riding workshop Granby, CT
Nov 10: FDH Building confidence for trail riding workshop
Middlefield, CT
Nov 22-24: FDH Clinic in Australia Strath Creek, Victoria, Australia
Nov 30-Dec 2: FDH clinic in New Zealand: at Taralee stables, Carterton, NZ
Click here http://www.fdhorsemanship.com/#!calendar


My week with Fiona and Self Selection

Fiona has just gone back to the UK after a week here working with Horses and Dogs. It was an incredibly educational and fun week. Each session was unique and some horse and dogs had quite dramatic changes.

I could write pages on what I witnessed but instead I will just touch on how amazed I was by how the innate knowing in animals is so intelligent. One thing I observed is even when offering for example 3 items of the same herb but of 3 different brands, the horses would know which one was superior in quality.

I also saw how a seemingly healthy horse, would select sometimes quite a lot of herbs in a wide variety. Also dogs. Each animal's selection profile was so unique. And offered the same herbs a day later, would not take them or take very little. Something to think about when it comes to daily supplementing and how we approach it traditionally. Are we over supplementing? Are we giving one thing the horse needs mixed with 10 things he doesn't? That's what appeals to me about this. It is single herbs and oils offered. The animals can balance themselves.

Fiona has agreed to come back for the October 18-20th clinic in Massachussets. So if you want to see a demo of her work, learn about this work, and get a session for your animal, join us! Here is the link for info and registering for the clinic http://www.eventzilla.net/web/event?eventid=2138987660
Contact me for info on a session with Fiona and check out her website here http://www.fionahabershon.com/

Sign up for http://fdhvirtualclinic.vidmeup.com/
Upcoming events
10/18-10/20 FDH Horsemanship Clinic: Plainfield, MA
11/30-12/2 FDH clinic in New Zealand: at Taralee stables, Carterton, NZ
11/22-11/24- FDH Clinic in Australia Strath Creek, Victoria, Australia
for more info and registration

Working two dogs

Working with Macie