It is always a sense of huge accomplishment to win your first blue with a horse you have raised from a baby, and done all the training on. I have started many babies but Mercury is special. He had an added level of difficulty from day one. I have seen wild mustangs that were easier to start than him. I could go on about my training adventures with him but suffice to say he is as challenging as he is talented ("rodeo", is his nickname). His saving grace is, he is my huge momma's boy and he is full of antics (which always make me laugh out loud, comedian that he is). No horse has more try or willingness. It has allowed us to form a partnership that I have not had with any other horse. So I have an even greater sense of achievement with Mercury because of his challenging personality. Not only did we win but, we received the highest scores I have ever gotten in dressage on any horse! I look forward to more adventures with my friend Mercury and many more Blues!